Becket Historical Commission Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2012
Present: Rob, Harry, Aaron & Rita
Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm
Minutes from the September meeting were read. Rita moved to accept them as read, Harry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
- All artifacts borrowed by Becket Arts Center (BAC) were returned
- Planning board sent notice of property at 673 Jacob’s Ladder Rd. seeking official application for property to be zoned residential only. Rita moved that the Historical Commission recognize the property as such, Harry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
- MA Historical sent information regarding 50/50 matching grant application. No action taken.
- Paul Mark, State Rep sent thank you for Historical Commission’s support opposing bill that would have significantly weakened MA Historical. The proposed bill was sent for more study and will not be passed currently.
- Terry Fife, who is looking into the Harris family, met with Rob. Rob has been providing Terry with helpful documents, photos, etc.
Still no word on Kiosk for Bidwell Park – there was discussion that perhaps the Historical Commission create our own sign to place in Bidwell Park
New Historical Commission office update – we talked about decoration of the office and where to put things. Professional cleaners have been hired to clean the carpets on the 31st.
More postcards of old Becket have been found
Received pics of George Carter Rd. home (one of oldest houses in Becket), which is being sold
The Historical Commission was given responsibility to handle two grave markers for young children that were found on the property of the George Carter Rd. home (near the pond). Rita will contact the Cemetery Commissioner to determine how we should handle them.
It was discussed that we should put out feelers for new Historical Commission members. Rob will ask Skip and put a notice in area papers/publications
Brief discussion on Becket Historical Society for 250th – how would they incorporate? How do they recruit more interest? Etc.
Meeting adjourned at 7:43pm